terça-feira, novembro 08, 2005

Voltou o diálogo

Mário Soares garante que é capaz de resolver uma crise de banditagem como a que está a varrer a França. Claro, já estávamos esquecidos que o homem resolvia o problema do terrorismo a dialogar com os ditos. Pois é: se Soares estivesse no Eliseu já tinha promovido um piquenique nos jardins do palácio com os bandidos. Talvez os tipos aproveitassem o convite e deitassem fogo ao palácio e aos popós da Presidência. Sempre estavam ocupados e talvez poupassem os bens de cidadãos.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

I'm shit ugly, and haven't gotten laid in over 25 years.

At 1:27 PM, Mister Hand said...
You have my sympathies, Gary. LOL!

At 2:17 PM, Meatbag said...
Gary, please keep coming back. I would absolutely love to have a paranoid schizophrenic who occasionally interrupts our comments with his insane spamwhoring. I assure you that I am completely serious. You are comedy gold. We should make you a contributing member.

At 2:29 PM, Carrie Ann said...
yes. you seem to be much more entertaining than we are.

At 2:31 PM, Smell the Glove said...
Carrie Ann, are you not amused?

At 2:42 PM, Carrie Ann said...
actually. i am addicted to you all. you are hilarious! i think gary just adds to the craziness of your site. not to be used as a replacement...

At 3:17 PM, Smell the Glove said...
Crazy - hey guys, C A is calling you crazy.

At 3:25 PM, Carrie Ann said...
crazy in a good way :)

i like crazy. and i meant more in a wacky/goofy kind of crazy instead of a "show up at your house with a meat cleaver/eyes wild" kind of crazy.

At 3:31 PM, Smell the Glove said...
OK, that's better. Now I don't mind being called crazy (see explanation above).

At 5:14 PM, jamwall said...
wow gar.....just.....wow!

7:11 da tarde  

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