A máscara caiu para os pacifistas. No terceiro aniversário do início da guerra do Iraque mostraram, em Portugal e não só, que são amigos dos facínoras e dos terroristas. Mais nada.
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."
Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.
"I was up early and we were gonna do a pre-shoot on Spin City, the show I used to do, I was watching the news and the north tower was burning. I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball."
"There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?"
Sheen said that most people's gut instinct, that the buildings had been deliberately imploded, was washed away by the incessant flood of the official version of events from day one.
Amigos de terroristas e de facínoras não são só os pacifistas. Há mais quem seja, tenha sido no passado e, certamente, continuará a sê-lo no futuro. Os "interesses vitais" assim o exigem... Não é verdade?
Nem mais, barbaros matam 20, 30, 60 vitimas enquanto um diabo esfrega o olho. Coisa condenavel, diz o bom senso, mas não, pasme-se, segundo a esquerda festivaleira é apenas a brava resistencia do povo iraquiano à ocupação
Quem são os facínoras e os terroristas ARF?
Ouça a opinião do actor Charlie Sheen:
Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."
Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.
"I was up early and we were gonna do a pre-shoot on Spin City, the show I used to do, I was watching the news and the north tower was burning. I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball."
"There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?"
Sheen said that most people's gut instinct, that the buildings had been deliberately imploded, was washed away by the incessant flood of the official version of events from day one.
É maluco.
O outro em Bruxelas já fez meia culpa.
Este continua com esperanças de dar mais uma tolada na cáca do Tigre.
Haja Alá.
Amigos de terroristas e de facínoras não são só os pacifistas.
Há mais quem seja, tenha sido no passado e, certamente, continuará a sê-lo no futuro.
Os "interesses vitais" assim o exigem... Não é verdade?
Este desgraçado é o oito e o oitenta.
Desde maoísta a reaccinário é tudo.
Vai um mergulhito no Tigre, cheio de cáca ?
Nem mais, barbaros matam 20, 30, 60 vitimas enquanto um diabo esfrega o olho. Coisa condenavel, diz o bom senso, mas não, pasme-se, segundo a esquerda festivaleira é apenas a brava resistencia do povo iraquiano à ocupação
à custa dos facínoras e terroristas andaste a tomar banho no Tigre.
A maior parte dos comentários são realmente vergonhosos.
Todos peritos em tudo. Copiam da Internet. Mas pensar, isso não sabem.
E depois admiram-se que o país não avança. É para rir e para chorar.
Ganhem juízo. Pobres diabos.
Demais Tarde
que nojo!
passei por aqui e fiquei com vómitos!
V. Exa é um vomitório.
O Disco
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